Monday, August 5, 2013

Leaving too soon…

I had to unexpectedly leave South Africa right when the semester started due to language barriers in my classes as well as schedule conflicts.  My departure was very abrupt and sudden and I thank everyone that helped me vacate my room. 
Beautiful clouds from the plane across the Atlantic. 

I fell in love with the beautiful country of South Africa and I was very saddened to leave.  This country will always hold my heart.  The people I met along the way were all amazing in their own ways and they have all made an impact on my life.  I hope to always keep in touch with them.  South Africa, I WILL be back someday and who knows, maybe I will call it my new home!


-Skydiving in Namibia over the desert
-Camping fro 20 days
-The Garden Route
-Shark Cage Diving
-Sharing my experience with some of the greatest people I have ever met
-Actually, everyday in South Africa was a highlight.

For anyone interested: REUNION SUMMER 2014 IN SAN FRANSISCO!!

Lots of Love from America,


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